Douglas Rushkoff Fantastic piece of writing! The best discussion I’ve read about #UBI. “It’s the candy that a creep offers a kid to get into the car or the raise that a sleasy employer gives a staff member who they’ve sexually harassed. It’s hush money.”
Wow! That makes the hair at the back of my neck stand up! That is a knock-out punch if I may say so!
Whether it’s Walmart, Amazon, Uber or Foxconn, they still need customers to buy their stuff when the world’s banking system come crashing down (hint, world debt crisis). So hey, let’s invent a #candy system where they still get to buy some of our stuff and we get their money.
Sorry folks, no get out of jail card with UBI. You’re trapped into the jail system where you get given this UBI money and it goes straight out to pay for the stuff from Walmart, Amazon, Foxconn and the like.
Why even bother sending it to you? Hey stupid useless class, just write us a blank cheque “I hereby authorise whoever has this debt document to take my money, my wages, anything that I own… to pay for their stuff. Give them what they want!”
ASSETS. We need assets! “Universal Basic Assets” - now that’s an idea. The average Joe has barely enough cash to make it from one payday to another. Assets or spare cash? Forget it. Just look at household debt.
We need to rethink this whole system.
Digital automated systems & technology which remove our right to CHOOSE are too dangerous to be left alone.
Do you agree?