Here in Australia, our numbers for #coronavirus is still low with few fatalities. The government has cautioned people to practice #socialdistancing but hundreds of (younger) people ignored this and went to Bondi Beach last week. Now the beach (and all others) have been closed down. It seems that people would not voluntarily practice safety.
Now Bondi Beach backpackers have tested positive, after crowds ignore rules. Younger people may feel that they are invincible. While they may suffer only a mild case of flu-like symptoms, they could pass it onto someone with weak immune systems or someone may then pass it onto the elderly. That’s how it passes on in communities. Someone gets it and unknowingly passes it on.
I still see some elderly people walking around without any masks. They may feel that wearing face masks is uncomfortable and an expense they can’t afford. I feel like stopping to warn them, but then I might cross the social distancing rule…
Staying safe using common sense is our best insurance, plus it’s free!