I used to read a lot about Africa. It’s a huge continent with lots of promise. In population terms, Europe’s birth rates are declining. Same for Japan. That’s why Japan developed robotics to serve their ageing population.
Africa also has many successful innovators and entrepreneurs. Of course, there is corruption in African governments and oppressive regimes. They are hard to change unless the people rebel and say, “No! Stop!” Social change is difficult, takes time, carries a heavy human cost to those who dare to say No.
The succeeding president and his associates (ministers) may become part of the problem as well. Politicians have trust and integrity issues. Even if they’re honest, they have to toe the party line to stay.
In the West, namely USA, Europe, UK and other countries, Western technology (aka through Facebook, Google, Apple) are used to spy on people, to collect data about them without their knowledge or permission. Facebook got hauled over the coals for their data privacy & other infringements. Oh, I forgot about Amazon. They have collected decades of our purchasing & browsing history. They’ve started to get into financing/banking. Why not? Sell stuff to us with one hand and take money from us with the other hand, via Amazon credit.
China has gone into Africa for decades now. I used to research the #ivorytrade where millions #elephants have been killed in this century for their tusks. China has built roads and infrastructure for many African countries. What do they get in return? Opportunity for their companies (public and state owned) to get in.
Yes, it’s a race. Why haven’t American, British, French or German companies done the same or more?