Michael K. Spencer Great point! #vanitymetrics play on our mental health as well. It affects our confidence and self-esteem. Writers who love writing may feel discouraged when they see an article by a Medium influencer with thousands of claps. They relate that to the potential amount of money to be earned and compare with it with their own. “How can I do that?” they ask themselves instead of focusing on becoming a better writer. Now it’s a race for more views, more claps, more dollars!
First they may feel discouraged, even annoyed. Then they try to copy the style, check for any SEO links and they spend “more time” to duplicate their methodology than in improving their writing.
Good or even great writing has a better chance to attract viewers. It may take time for people to get used to your offering. This is called organic growth. Not burn and crash!
If the post was not curated, the writer could share and ask their network to share it. A responsive network who really work together, could do this. Can they beat the curation? Maybe. It’s worth a try!