Playing games teaches us new skills, how to be flexible, how to be #human! Come on, who else would get excited when they win (or killed the monster, dragon, bad guy whatever?) or crestfallen when they’ve lost?
Elon Musk and others have postulated that we’re living in a very sophisticated computer simulation created by aliens (or other advanced species). That’s very complex designing indeed to have my life crossing into another human’s life at one point and to stay or leave at another point in time.
I feel that I would be able to handle life’s challenges better if I had learnt to play computer games growing up! Think of life as a game and how do I win this set? How can I progress to the next level?
I have to beat my demons, beat the bad guys and gain confidence! I need to have faith in myself and a Higher Power!
Final Fantasy was a beautiful story/movie that I’ve watched many times. It still grips me. No wonder you love the FF games! Good one Benny Lim!