Prince Ghuman, wow! Prince alone is a great marketing start. Great name! I liked the #Scion branding concept. Looked edgy, modern, upbeat. Bold colours help too.
Harley. Disagree. I seem to find many guys over 50 with a bike or two. One of their bikes would be a HD. As a single guy, the reason he rides a bike like Harley, is part of his identity. But hard to get your date on one. For one, her shoes would be a problem riding at the back of a bike.
A Harley is a nod to their younger days. Nostalgia. But for millennials? Oops. Riding a bike on the street, you might find dad, uncle or other fossil, on their Harley. Tongue in cheek, I know 😚 but millennials wanna look cool. Feel cool. Not ancient. Vintage.
If I was a millennial, I’d jump into a Scion or #Tesla. A bit pricey but hey we buy due to emotional reasons, then justify it in our heads.
Successful marketing to millennials needs to be more than clever slogans. You have to really get them. They have dreams. Ambitions. And they crave recognition and attention. To help them achieve their goals.