Some writers try very hard to get their posts curated. They become so obsessed with curation that when their posts fail to get curation, they feel devastated.
Their attachment to being curated is the problem. They could learn from you. Curation is OUT of our control. What we write, how well we write, how often we write, how our writing improves ~ those are things that we CAN control.
Take money. We could strive to achieve “Independence Day” freedom money to allow us to quit our day jobs. Some people make it, some don’t. Why? I suspect (besides the quality of writing and even luck) that at some point, they abandon any attachment to EARNING money from it.
They write for the pure pleasure of writing. They write because they can’t imagine doing anything else. They’re obssessed with writing. It’s in their DNA.
Then the money starts pouring in…
“Dummies Guide to Making Money Writing”~ Forget about making money, just write! Keep writing until you catch someone’s attention! Go and support other writers, (some of them) will come back to support your posts. You’ll create a “tribe” of like-minded writers and fans. Persistence wins! And you wonder WHERE the money was hiding all this time :)