Tim Walters I saw your comment on John Gorman’s post. I didn’t want to hijack his post, so I added my comment to you here. You’re right, advice like “Get up and move” wouldn’t work for everyone. It’s complicated. When you’re feeling low, you don’t feel like doing anything. I had a day like that just in September when I was out shopping. I was very scared. I got home quickly in case I did something stupid.
Why do people commit suicide? When they lose hope, when they feel that nothing matters anymore. There are so many reasons why.
I’m sorry to hear about that man who killed himself. Severe clinical depression is a deadly illness. People can say the wrong thing and make it worse. Even people who should know better. I was talking to someone in “services” and they said something that made me mad, putting ideas in my head! I cut short the call.
Please know that you’re not alone Tim. I hope that you are getting the help that you need. Please do keep in touch! There are many good and kind people here on Medium.