Tom Kuegler you’ve got it in a nutshell! “… know where the best sniper shots are. You need to find out what works and EXPLOIT the hell out of it.” my emphasis! Gary Vaynerchuk would add a F***ing, too right, he would!
I know I’ve been guilty of what you mentioned. Poor attention, quitting too early, spending too much time navel gazing (trying to strengthen my weakness LOL) and the lack of strategy.
“What’s your plan? Have you even got a plan?”
Doing something consistently, every day, for at least 21 days can help us to create a new habit!
I’m now charged up to write every day on Medium and to spend more time honing my #writing skills!
That way, I can find out where my #sweetspots lie and not get dragged into the ditch of loneliness, writers block and the lack of motivation that trip up many writers.
One sure thing to beat the heck out of the lack of motivation — is results!
Once you’re addicted to getting #results, the whole thing will fly! Yes, beat the crap out of the #internalgame first, get our mindset set on the North node and hit that bulls eye until we can do it perfectly in our sleep!