What is sales? Done well? It’s about finding out WHAT your customer needs or want and then delivering THAT, if you have it. It requires listening carefully and asking questions to find out what kind of pain they’re in. This is where trust comes in. If you go in with a `sell, sell, sell’ or `me, me, me’ attitude, they can smell it and sense it a mile off. It turns them off. They run away!
Listen and ask the right questions to find out what kind of pain they’re in, without any expectation to make a sale or any money (yet). That comes later, if you’re able to find a solution that can relieve their pain (or anxiety as you called it Scott Hoover in your post).
When I was in sales, I started in commercial real estate. The TOP salesperson in our company was working on a big deal.It was a difficult one. Dale told us the story later about how he finally got the sale.
Towards the end, he couldn’t get his client to sign. He had many objections. Working patiently through each of his objections, he still couldn’t get his client to approve it. Now remember that my colleague was a master sales person. Not a rookie.
As a last resort and a bit of a gamble, he told his client that he resigned from the deal and said that he must be a very bad salesperson because he couldn’t help his client to see the benefits of the deal (to him). His client was so shocked that he would walk away from a multi-million dollar deal that he had worked on so diligently that he signed immediately. Final objections. Over.
Perception. What people believe that they would gain (or lose) from accepting (or rejecting) your solution. If you cannot communicate that to your client, you cannot go any further. You get stuck.
If you have taken the time to gain their trust (worked through the Trust room), it makes it easier. People tend to buy from people that they like and trust. And if you have something that can help them. Something that can take away their pain. You must find out what motivates them. What drives them.
Or something that they want. Someone who already has many luxury cars don’t need another car. They want… a car that’s fun to drive, looks and sounds great, they can show off to their friends. They’ve got the money. The money is NEVER the problem. Do they have the desire to own one?
You don’t sell a lamborghini. It sells itself. They must want it. YOU just happen to be in the right place at the right time when they FEEL like buying one!