Wil Wheaton Chronic depression. So proud of you for speaking up about this taboo subject of mental illness. It’s about time we blew the lid off this because too many people are hurting. They need to feel its okay to get help.
It doesn’t control you because you keep fighting it. It doesn’t define you and you refused to be stigmatized by it. Thank you for your bravery to share! Medium is the perfect place to share. I had limited response on LinkedIn when I shared about having suicidal thoughts. The silence was deafening!
Please check my post here about Suicide. 1 million people killed themselves in 2011. 1:20. For every one who succeeded, over 20 attempted to kill themselves. That makes over 20 million people who have attempted suicide. And that was in 2011 by WHO. That’s shocking!
Let’s help to make #talking about feeling sad, feeling depressed and even thinking about suicide, okay. Okay in the sense of opening up, letting it out. Not good to have it bottled up inside, where it would do more harm.
A man who jumped off SF Golden Gate Bridge left a note behind. He said that if just one person had smiled at him on the way to the bridge, he would not have jumped. Just ONE #smile is what it takes to save someone sometimes. Why don’t we do that? Care for one another, instead of keeping to ourselves. It’s not my problem & close the door. We are all connected. #butterflyeffect